Applying Thread Locker to Your Pocket Knife

Even the best pocket knives can suffer from loose screws over time, and we know nothing drives a knifenut more nuts than looking at a pivot dancing the cha-cha, or a screw that keeps coming loose. This is where blue thread locker comes real handy, because it will help you keep everything snug and secure.

Picture of lube being put on screw

Pocket Knife Screws

Before doing this kind of maintenance, it's important that you understand how your pocket knife is put together, and what kind of screws are used. Most times, (at least, in quality pocket knives), you will find Torx screws. 

Picture of T6, T8, T10, and Hex shapes
Torx screws are strong, but you still need to be careful. Make sure you use the right bit for each screw. Most of the times, pocket knives will have a T8 in the pivot and T6s in the body. Never assume, always double check.
It is also important that you use quality bits and drivers. The Knafs bit driver along-side Wiha bits will work the magic perfectly. 

Thread Locker Application

The application process is straightforward. If a specific screw keeps coming loose:
  1. Take out the screw.
  2. Clean the screw and the corresponding whole.
  3. Apply a small amount of thread locker (blue locatite) in the threads.
  4. Screw back in.
Leave the knife to rest for a good while, allowing the thread locker to dry. Only use blue loctite... the red stuff is a BIG no-no. The quick explanation is that blue thread locker will provide a strong hold but it is not a permanent seal, while the red thread locker is. 
Holding Loctite tube
If you disassemble your knife completely, the process is the same: Clean -> Apply -> Assemble.
Pro tip: It is best to check your pocket knives regularly at home. It sucks to find out you have a loose screw or pivot when you are on the go, but at home, that's an easy fix.
Shop mat with knife and tools spread across it.
When doing this type of maintenance to your pocket knife, is important to use quality torx bids to prevent the screws from stripping. But if you do, we have a full guide for you to do that repair work the right way. Check it out here.